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Literature Stands
A4 Zigzag Literature stand
A3 Zigzag Literature stand
Dafina A4 Literature stand
Metal impact A4 literature stand
Net Type Single Row A4 Literature Stand
Net Type Double Row A4 Literature stand
Easy fold A4 literature stand
Wooden Counter top A4 literature stand
Tower acrylic literature stand
Teardrop Accessories
Spike for 2.5,3.5 and 4.5 flying banners
Water bag 10kgs
Cross base metalic for 2.5,3.5 and 4.5 flying banner
25kgs watertank -heavy duty
4 seats+Table 150cm
A seat
A table
2mx1m stand only
2mx1m branded
3mx1m stand only
3mx1m branded
X Style banners
60cm x160cm stand only
60cm x160cm branded on benaflat
80cmx200cm stand only
80cmx200cm branded on benaflat
120cmx200cm stand only
120cmx200cm branded on benaflat
Press Banners/Media Walls
Daze Adjustable stand 3mwx2.4mh stand only
Daze Adjustable stand 3mwx3mh stand only
Daze Adjustable stand 3mwx2.4mh branded
Daze Adjustable stand 3mwx3mh branded
Fabric pop up 3x2(2.24mx151.5m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 3x2(2.24mx151.5m printing area) branded
Fabric Pop Up 3x3(2.24mx2.24m printing area) stand only
Fabric Pop Up 3x3(2.24mx2.24m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 4x2(2.99mx151.5cm printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 4x2(2.99mx151.5cm printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 4x3(2.99mx2.24m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 4x3(2.99mx2.24m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 3x6(4.46mx2.24m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 3x6(4.46mx2.24m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 3x8(5.92mx2.25m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 3x8(5.92mx2.25m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 4x4(2.99mx2.99m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 4x4(2.99mx2.99m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 4x4(2.99mx2.99m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 4x6(2.99mx4.47m printing area) branded
Fabric pop up 4x8(2.99mx5.93m printing area) stand only
Fabric pop up 4x8(2.99mx5.93m printing area) branded
Fabric Pop up 4x10(2.99mx7.4m printing area) stand only
Fabric Pop up 4x10(2.99mx7.4m printing area) branded
Menu Boards
Snapper Frames Holders
140cmh stands only
160cmh stand only
Poster Prints
2.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand only with spike
2.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
3.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand only with spike
3.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
4.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand with spike
4.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand only with spike
5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
6m with cross base and heavy duty water tank 20lt stand only
6m with cross base and heavy duty water tank 20lt branded
7m with cross base and heavy duty water tank 20lt stand only
7m with cross base and heavy duty water tank 20lt branded
Feather Banners
3.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand only with spike
3.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
4.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole stand with spike
4.5m Aluminum Fibre glass pole branded with spike
Flame banner with cross base and water bag stand only
Flame banner with cross base and water bag branded
Flag Pole 5m high stand only
Flag Pole 5m high branded
Butterfly Pop Ups
213cmx119cm stand only
213cmx119cm branded
260cmx123cm stand only
260cmx123cm branded
300cmx110cm stand only
300cmx110cm branded
Roll Up Banners
Blaze roll up banner 85cmx200cm stand only
Blaze roll up banner 85cmx200cm with PVC print
Blaze roll up banner 85cmx200cm with Benaflat print
Daze roll up 85cmx200cm(weight 3.5kg) stand only
Daze roll up 85cmx200cm(weight 3.5kg) with PVC print
Daze roll up 85cmx200cm(weight 3.5kg) with Benaflat print
Essence roll up standard 85cmx200cm(weight 4.5kg) stand only
Essence roll up standard 85cmx200cm(weight 4.5kg) with PVC Print
Essence roll up standard 85cmx200cm(weight 4.5kg) with Benaflat print
Essence roll up heavy base 85cmx200cm(weight 5.5kg) stand only
Essence roll up heavy base 85cmx200cm(weight 5.5kg) with PVC print
Essence roll up heavy base 85cmx200cm(weight 5.5kg) with Benaflat Print
Dafina roll up 85cmx215cm stand only
Dafina roll up 85cmx215cm with Benaflat print
Essence roll up double sided 85cmx200cm stand only
Essence roll up double sided 85cmx200cm with PVC print
Essence roll up double sided 85cmx200cm with benaflat print
Outdoor roll up with water base tank stand only
Outdoor roll up with water base tank with PVC print
Outdoor roll up with water base tank with Benaflat print
Door frame stand only
Door frame with PVC print
Door frame with Benaflat print
Roll Up Backdrops
Essence roll up backdrop 1.5mwx2mh stand only
Essence roll up backdrop 1.5mwx2mh branded on benaflat
Essence roll up backdrop 2.4mx2m stand only
Essence rolll up backdrop 2.4mx2m branded on benaflat
Dafina roll up backdrop 2.7mwx2.15mh stand only
Dafina roll up backdrop 2.7mwx2.15mh branded on benaflat
Dafina roll up backdrop 3.2mwx2.15mh stand only
Dafina roll up backdrop 3.2mx2.15mh branded on benaflat
Info Boards
A1 size double sided locally fabricated stand only
A1 size double sided classic poster stand (Germany) stand only
A1 A style Aluminum board double sided stand only
SNAPPER FRAMES - Silver Chrome/Mitred Corners 30mm
A4 Stand only
A3 Stand only
A2 Stand only
A1 Stand only
A0 Stand only
50cmx70cm stand only
70cmx100cm stand only
SNAPPER FRAMES - Silver Chrome/Mitred Corners 25mm
A4 stand only
A3 Stand only
A2 Stand only
A1 Stand only
A0 Stand only

Parts and Repairs

Bags for outsize roll ups
Size 100cmw
Size 120cmw
Size 150cmw
Size 180cmw
Size 200cmw
Size 240cmw
Size 270cmw
Size 320cmw
Table Trows
240cmx180cm for 122cmx61cm table
300cmx180cm for 183cmx76cm table
360cmx180cm for 244cmx76cm table
Café banners stand only 2pcs queue stand, 2 pcs banner tension bars
Café banners branded 2pcs queue stand, 2 pcs banner tension bars
Essence unipole with twin banner stand only
Essence unipole with twin banner branded
Essence unipole with banner and literature holders stand only
Essence unipole with banner and literature holders branded
Grandview Screens
Electric/Ceiling mounted
Portable pull up screens
Imaging projection screens
Forex board(foreign Exchanging board)
Cone Stands
Cone stand stand only
Cone print
Chain for cone stand
Slim Acrylic Displays with light
A1 sinlge sided
A2 single side
A3 single side
A1 double sided
A2 double sided
Folding Furniture
T122 121cmx60cm
T122F 122cmx76cm
TB113 113cmx68cm
T244F 224cmx76cm
T183F 183cmx76cm
Dafin atable size 115cmx60cmx94cm
Chairs Stand only
Chairs branded
Queue Stands
Silver Belt
Silver Rope
Gold Rope
Gold Belt
Header Panel
Nikedi Whiteboards
Manual Wall screens
Electric portable motorised screens
X-press screen
1780mm diagonal
2032mm diagonal
Upfront rotating Displays
Model No. SC/W (small size) stand only
Model No. SC/W (small size) branded
Model No. MC/W(medium size) stand only
Model No. MC/W(medium size) branded
Model No.LC/W( large size) stand only
Model No.LC/W( large size) branded
Model No. LR 24B Floor stand stand only
Model No.LR 24B Floor stand branded
Scrolling Banner stand only
Scrolling Banner branded
Branded Clocks
Slim Light Box- Snap frame
A1 double sided
A2 double sided
Double sided free standing
April Offers